123 Enterprise Content Manager
A secure, unified, and customizable enterprise-grade information portal providing a single access point to your files of any type, any size, for anyone.
- Customizable interface fits your business and management structure.
- Securly and confidently access files anywhere.
- Smart tagging and search to find what you’re looking for in a few simple clicks.
- Tiered access control provides flexible permissions for segmented user groups.
- Interactive applets for calendaring, discussion forums, rating systems, and more.
123 Data Finder
Search, sort, and access your data in an organized, customized way.
- Fully integrated, completely secure look-up platform for your database.
- Easily sift through your data to retrieve information of any kind.
- Customize tagging and filters to fit your business needs.
- Import and export spreadsheets, reports, and data in any format.